a handsome hubby, two darling daughters, a pair of puppies

and other reasons I'm a Chipper Chickie...


Meet My Freshman-Year Roommate

This is Alana.


We pledged AOPi together.

We ate gummy worms and watched A Wedding Story on TLC...everyday.

We danced to AC/DC while getting ready to go out.

And, we made up a sweet song for our shared dorm room answering machine.

{We're cool like that.}


She is the wife of a pilot.

She is the mommy of a cutie pie named Maggie.

She is President and owner of her family business.

She is participating in EntreLeadership with Dave Ramsey.

And she was featured in an artlice on daveramsey.com!

Check it out!

Way to go Alana!

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