Life with two little ones is busy. Certainly an adjustment, but such a blessing! Now we have twice the cuddles. I've enjoyed adjusting to my new morning routine and have loved being at home with my girls! Now, if we can only get Maggie to sleep through the night!!!
Here's a quick run-down of what we've been up to since Maggie's arrival...
We had Maggie's newborn photo shoot. {More on that in another post}
We've had fun play dates with our friends and cousins {below are pictures of a play date at My Big Back Yard in the Memphis Botanic Garden}.

Friends and family have come to meet baby Maggie.
Chris has planted and herb garden, an English flower garden and lots and lots of beautiful hydrangeas for me in our yard. {the pics below are of Chris preparing the wine crates to be used as planters for the herb garden}
The girls {and Chris} got me four mint julep cups for Mother's Day to kick off my collection. {below is a failed attemp to make mint julep sweet tea...must keep trying}
AC said "bye-bye" to her baba.
My sweet girls have been bonding.
Maggie had her first visit to the Memphis Zoo with Lolly and Laura.
We tried the Elegant Farmer when Dad and the girls came for a visit. {You MUST try it!!} And, he baby-proofed our house for us. {Thanks Dad!}
Jeff and Alyssa had an engagement party.
Ava got Christened.
We hid out under the stairs during the tornadoes.
Chris and I went to see a movie one night and went to the Bon Jovi concert another night - two dates in a row!!! Rock on! {PS - I saw real, live gypsies at the concert and it got me super excited about TLC's upcoming show My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding!!!}
Granny came to visit and took me to see Steve Martin and the Steep Canyon Rangers at the Orpheum. {Steve Martin is a really good banjo player - who knew?}
And Maggie is getting big!
1 comment:
i'm secretly jealous you saw Steve Martin--I heard them on Ellen and thought it would be so fun, but didn't think anyone would go-ha!
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