- We've scheduled an induction for Tuesday, April 12! So that's d-day, unless God decides it needs to be sooner. Which wouldn't hurt my feelings.
- If I make it to Wednesday we are having an ultra sound to make sure I don't have a 9 pounder growing in my belly. {Prayers for a healthy baby that weighs less than 9 lbs. are greatly appreciated. :)}
- Maggie and I may be in a national commercial for Lenny's Sub Shop. They had a promotion today at the downtown location {which is just a few doors down from my office} and if you let them film you telling why you love Lenny's you got a $5 gift card {which basically means a free lunch!}. I am a big fan of Lenny's, so I was happy to do it. I noticed the camera man scanning my body to show my Maggie bump {yikes - the camera adds 10 lbs, right?}, so she may be making her television debut soon! {PS - If you have a Lenny's in your area you should follow them on facebook. They have great promotions!}
- The question of the moment is, "When are you due? Do you think you'll make it?" So, I've come to the conclusion that I must look like I'm about to pop. This is a picture of my Maggie bump from this morning. {Yep, about to pop.} But I feel pretty good. I move at a snails pace and my maternity shirts no longer completely cover my belly, but I'm actually feeling much better than I look. :)
- Good Mornin' Good Mornin'! I sing this to Anne Catherine when I wake her up in the morning. {The video is not available for embedding, so be sure to click on the link.}You may recognize this song from the new orange juice commercial. Chris recently saw it and said, "Is that what you sing to Anne Catherine?" Ha! I had to tell him that it's originally from Singing in the Rain. Granny used to sing it to me. {And still does.} Great movie, by-the-way...wish they still made movies like that!
5 days ago
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