a handsome hubby, two darling daughters, a pair of puppies

and other reasons I'm a Chipper Chickie...


Eat. Pray. Love.

I never read the book, but I'll admit that I think the movie looks pretty good.

How can you resist Julia Robert's smile, after all?

But I say this with a BIG warning:

The underlying message of self-love and self-worship in the film is a big, fat lie that, unfortunately, many women will believe.

Please take a minute to read this insightful post by Redeemed Girl:

Redeemed Girl's Response to Eat Pray Love Redeemed Girl Ministries

My point is not to tell you to boycott the movie, but to ask you to pray for the women that will see it and get swept up in the lies of this world.

God designed us to need Him. We all yearn for Him!

Nothing else will fill that void. Period.

So, please take a moment to pray for the hurting women of the world that are searching to fill that void.

Pray for their salvation. Pray that they will come to know the true freedom and happiness only found through our loving Savior, who so selflessly died for the forgiveness of our sins.

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