a handsome hubby, two darling daughters, a pair of puppies

and other reasons I'm a Chipper Chickie...


Five Things Friday

Fall is certainly in the air.

Last week we had lots of outdoor fun.

We went to the Zoo with our cousins...

We went to the park...

We gathered pumpkins...

The nice lady at The Market at Poplar Estates even let us feed her hens and rabbits. So fun!

And my fall allergies brought on a bacterial infection that brought on an asthma attack that landed me in the ER on Monday...


No pictures of that. :)

So, this week has been a week of laying low. A week of recovery.

Here's a Five Things Friday recap of what I've done all week...besides allowing the girls to go through all our baby wipes and watch way too much Nick Jr.

1. I went Pinterest crazy. Why not? Here are some of my recent fallish faves...

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2. I read {am reading} some good books. I tend to have some sort of book ADD that causes me to not be able to focus on one book at a time. These are the ones I'm reading right now. I recommend both.

Unglued Book
Praying the Scriptures for Your Children

3. I got in some good journaling/quiet time. Isaiah 43 provided some recovery for the soul. Good stuff.

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4. I opened up orders for Turkeys yesterday.
Got five on the books. Yay! Email your order to chipperchickie@gmail.com
if you'd like me to add you to the list.

5. And lastly, I rested. The whole house is a complete wreck...but I got in some good naps.

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