I'm another year older.
It was a fun b-day weekend. We celebrated on Friday night with an early b-day dinner at this place called Slim Skillets. YUM is all I have to say about that.
Then, we stopped at the mall to ride the carousel. Just looking at this picture makes me dizzy.
Mom, what IS this thing?!
On Saturday, we got garden markers for our herbs.
And Darling Daughter and I played in her new baby pool while Handsome Hubby worked in the yard.
Saturday night was girls night - DD and I went shopping!
And, then I made some homemade pickles. I was very excited to use my new {and super cute} apron, my mandolin, and fresh dill from our backyard.

On Sunday {my actual b-day}, HH had to work. {Boo}. But, was a fun-filled day of rest and play with my girl. DD and I took a long afternoon nap, and then Sister and Cousin Aidan came over to wish me a happy day.
I also had a b-day visit from Tootsie and Pop and lots of calls and texts from my sweet friends and family.
AND, I had ice cream for dinner and, drank sweet tea at every opportunity. Happy birthday to me!
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